124 that if this practice were not discontinued the privilege would be withdrawn. The Royal Mr. Clayton was elected to the Committee in Visit place of Dr. Whitford. Mr. Leitch submitted plans of proposed Royal Pavilion & he was instructed to modify same to accord with a sketch sent by the Liverpool Corporation, to obtain estimates & to submit same to the Committee as early as possible. The Secretary reported that the work of painting the stands would be commenced on Monday. Jos. Smith The Secretary was instructed to reduce the transfer fee herein from £800 to £500. C. Pratt The Secretary was instructed to offer to continue the loan of C. Pratt to Exeter City on similar terms to last season viz. to pay us any fee obtainable by you if transferred. Sims And to offer them Sims for £40. Overdraft The Secretary was instructed to apply to the Bankers for an overdraft up to £10,000. Players outing Resolved that on the return of the players an outing be arranged. L'pool Cup Mr. Kelly was deputed to represent the club Arrangements (in place of Dr. Whitford) with the Secretary hereon.