resigning his seal on the directorate & it was
resolved that the same be accepted with
Committees Resolved that the Directorate comprise
the Committees:- Finance Mr. Coffey Chairman
Ground Mr. Kelly do
Stores Mr. Kirkwood do
Advertising Mr. Allman do
Day, Hour & Place Resolved that the Directors meetings be
of Meetings held on Wednesday at 7 pm. at Goodison
Captains & Sub 1st Team J. S. Maconnachie V. Harris
Captain 2nd " S. Chedgzoy Jno. Page
Dates & Prices Resolved that two public practice games be
of Practice games held on August 18 and 23rd that the
L'pool prices of admission be 2d 4d and 6d and
16.20.27 that the gross proceeds be equally divided
The L'Pool Stanley Hospital and
The Hospital Saturday Fund.
Season Tickets In pursuance of the Resolution hereon of the
Annual Meeting it was decided to issue
separate season tickets for ladies to shareholders
purchasing self & lady Season tickets.
The Secretary was instructed to draw the
attention of shareholders to the abuse of the
privilege granted to admit boys under 15
(in lien of a lady) through the admission of
strange and illclad boys & to intimate