
		The meeting unanimously resolved that separate
		Season Tickets for Ladies be issued to Shareholders
		purchasing Self and Lady season tickets.

		Mr. John Worthy proposed, Mr. McCauley seconded,
		and it was unanimously resolved that a hearty
		vote of thanks be accorded to the Directors and 
		Officials for their services.

		The Chairman and Secretary acknowledged the

Result of	The result of the voting was as follows:-
the Poll		Dr. Baxter	376
			Mr. Kelly	356
			Mr. Green	348
			Mr. Wade	337

		The Chairman thereupon declared Messrs Baxter,
		Kelly and Green duly elected to the Directorate
		and at the same time expressed his intention of
		resigning his seat on the Board. In view of
		this latter announcement Mr. Clayton proposed
		that in case Dr. Whitford carried out his intention
		the Shareholders recommend like the Directors to elect
		Mr. Horace Wright. This was seconded and carried
		by a large majority.

		The Chairman thereupon declared the meeting at
		an end.
						W. R. Clayton