117 Shareholders for the election of 3 Directors:- Dr. J. C. Baxter Mr. E. Green " B. Kelly " A. K. Wade The proxies having been allotted by the Auditor, Mr. Bowler, to the various proxy holders, the meeting resolved that the election be by Ballot. The following gentlemen were appointed scrutineers:- Messrs Gledhill, Cross, J. Davies Jr., Ashworth, Bundy, Scorgie, W. C. Nicholas and W. C. Gibbins. Election of Mr. A. H. Taylor proposed and it was duly seconded Auditors and unanimously resolved that Messrs T. Theodore, Rogers Bowler & Co. be reappointed Auditors to the Company at a fee of Fifty guineas. The Secretary read a list of players engaged for next season. A proposal by Mr. G. Maver that it be an instruction to the Directors that they shall make the necessary arrangements on the premises Goodison Road for the purpose of a Social Club to Shareholders only was withdrawn for the want of a seconder as was a suggestion by Mr. Russell that important resolutions passed during the year be read out to the Shareholders at the Annual Meeting. A suggestion that Directors give one or more social evenings during the season to the Shareholders was unanimously adopted.