
		[Annual Meeting of the Shareholders held at 
		the Central Hall, Renshaw Street, Monday
		June 9th 1913.]

		Dr. Whitford presiding.

		The Secretary read the notice convening the

Press		The meeting resolved that the Press be admitted.

		The Chairman proposed, Mr. Wade seconded, and
		it was unanimously resolved that the statement of
		accounts and balance sheet be taken as read.

Auditor's	The Secretary read the Auditor's report to the
Report		Shareholders.

		The Chairman made his report upon the accounts
		and the business of the Company during the preceding
		twelve months and proposed, with Mr. W. R. Clayton
		seconding, that the report, balance sheet and
		statement of accounts be approved and passed.

		A series of questions having been put by the
		Shareholders and answered by the Chairman the
		resolution was put to the meeting and unanimously

		Mr. Wade proposed and Mr. Coffey seconded and it
		was unanimously resolved that a dividend of 5%
		be declared (free of tax) on paid up capital.

Election of Directors The following names were submitted to the