111 Annual a/cs. The Secretary presented the a/cs. of the Co. for the year ending April 30th 1913 with the Balance Sheet and Mr. Herbert Boaler having explained same. It was resolved 1. That the amounts due from Sundry Drs. be valued for the purposes of the Balance Sheet at £89.6.6 on open a/cs it being reported that this amount consisted of £50 due from D. Allen & Sons £30 " " City Caterers £9.6.6 " " Central League 2. That a depreciation of 10% be written off Stands, Hoardings & Erections amounting to £1475.18.2 and 33 1/3% of office fixtures and implements amounting to £334.14.7 3. That the Statement of a/cs Balance Sheet & profit & loss a/c be approved. 4. That the amount expended in connection with clothing materials & Stores be written off against income & Expenditure a/c. It was resolved that the auditors to the Co. a. Attend at the offices of the Co. at 8 pm. on June 6th to receive proxies. b. To decide on the validity of same. c. To provide Ballot Boxes for the voting papers. d. To dispatch the Notices of meeting & Copy a/cs to the shareholders. e. To take control of admission to the annl. meeting the distribution and counting of voting papers & that they be authorized