110 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel May 28th 1913.] Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter. Minutes The minutes of the last two meetings were read & confirmed. Stalker The Secretary's action in increasing his offer to Stalker from 25/- per week to 30/- in Summer was confirmed. Palmer The Secretary reported that the Secretary of Bristol Rovers with Palmer proposed to come to L'pool tomorrow Thursday to complete negotiations. King The Secretary was instructed to keep this matter in hand. Holbem Resolved that Greenock Morton's offer of £250 for the transfer of Holbem be accepted. Nuttall The engagement of T. A. Nuttall at £4 per week with a signing fee of £10 and a transfer fee of £250 to Manchester United was confirmed. Mitchell The engagement of Frank Mitchell at £3 per week with a Bonus of £10 and a fee to Motherwell of £100 was confirmed. Jno. Allen The Secretary's action in transferring John Allen to Rochdale for £30 was confirmed.