105 visit Bristol tomorrow with full powers and the Secretary was instructed to proceed thence to Stenhousemuir to see Hodge the centre half back play with full powers as to his engagement if satisfied. Brannick The engagement of Brannick at £2: 10/- per week, Kirby Kirby at 30/- in the summer and £2: 5/- per week in Challinor the winter and Challinor at 15/- per week in the summer and £2 per week in the winter, he to be allowed to work and reside in Middlewich, was confirmed. Stalker Mr. Fare reported re Stalker and it was decided to do nothing herein at present. Royal Visit The arrangements for the Royal Visit were left in the hands of the Chairman and the Secretary with Mr. Kelly added. Annual Resolved that the Central Hall be engaged Meeting for the Annual Meeting. Representatives to Annual Meeting of League Dr. Whitford Football Association Mr. W. R. Clayton Central League Dr. Whitford Lancashire F.A. do Liverpool County F.A. do Amateur Team Resolved that we resign from the Wednesday League and that we do not run a third team next season. Liverpool County F.A. Resolved that Mr. W. R. Clayton be nominated