103 Pay The Secretary reported that the gross receipts £100 to of the Liverpool and Everton (Liverpool County F.A. Cup Tie) were £123:18:2. The Secretary read a letter from Mr. L. G. Godseff recommending seeds for sowing the ground and he was instructed to order same as follows:- 84 lbs Poa pratensis @ 10d. per lb 84 lbs Festuc duriuscula @ 10d. per lb from Messrs R. P. Ker & Sons, 11 Basnett St. Liverpool 84 lbs Cynosurus Cristatus @ 1/1 per lb from Mr. Wm. Rowlands, Childwall Nurseries. Nominations Resolved that the present Officials and for League & Management Committee be renominated. Central League Nomination to the L'pool County F.A. W. C. Cuff. The Secretary reported that the net receipts of the County Cup Tie Skelmersdale United v. South Liverpool £127:11:1 was paid into our account at the Bank and cheque for this amount was ordered to be sent to the Secretary of the Liverpool County F.A. William Whitford