101 re-engaged and that they be placed on the open to transfer list at the following sums:- Simms £40 Central League £20 Stevens £300 do £150 The Secretary was instructed to send letters to Simms, Stevens, Davidson, Uren and Gourlay notifying them of our inability to offer them re-engagements. The Secretary was instructed to renew his offer of £2.10.0 per week to Brannick and failing his acceptance to place him on the open to transfer list. J. Smith The Secretary was instructed to increase the amount of transfer fee from £500 to £800. A proposal to offer an engagement to Robert Balmer was defeated. John Fare reported that Brown of Glasgow Rangers played splendidly at Firhill and was, in his opinion, well worth engagement. No action. Challinor The Secretary was instructed to give permission to Challinor to follow his employment and live at Middlewich and to revise the terms of salary as far as possible. The following engagements were confirmed:- W. Bromilow 25/- per week T. Browell £4 do L. Johnston £2 & £2.10/- do W. P. Wright 30/- per week