100 Mitchell The Secretary reported the position herein and that in his opinion this player could be got at much less than £300 by waiting - he was instructed to use his own judgment and pay a fee up to £200. Cail No action. Cunningham The Secretary was deputed to pursue this matter during his visit to Scotland up to £1000. King Messrs Coffey, Kirkwood and the Secretary were deputed to see King play tomorrow with power if satisfied for the Secretary to attend the Partick Thistle meeting on Tuesday evening and negotiate on the best terms. Stalker The Secretary was instructed to arrange for John Fare to see Stalker play again tomorrow and report to him and to keep Mr. Fare in Scotland for such time as he thought necessary. Fulton The Secretary was instructed to negotiate with the Chairman of Greenock Morton for the transfer of Fulton up to £500. McNeill The Secretary reported that in his opinion £1000 would secure McNeill who was reported to be the full powers best outside left in Scotland. It was however decided to negotiate for the transfer from Bristol Rovers of Palmer and Mr. Clayton and the Secretary were instructed to carry the negotiations through. Resolved that the following players be not