97 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel April 30th 1913.] Present Mr. W. R. Clayton (Chair) Messrs Coffey Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Reports Mr. Kelly reported our match with Stalybridge Celtic. Mr. Clayton reported the engagement of Thompson and Harrison at £4 per week with the usual bonus of £10 each at a transfer fee to Leicester Fosse of £750. The Secretary having made a telephonic report re Andrew Cunningham of Kilmarnock, McNeill of Hamilton Academicals, Weir of Stirling, Mitchell of Motherwell, Fulton of Greenock Morton and King of Partick Thistle it was resolved as follows:- Cunningham That he have power to go up to £1000 for this player. McNeill That he interview the Directors of Hamilton Academicals and ascertain what fee they would be prepared to accept for this player. Weir No action be taken. Mitchell That he have power to go up to £200 for this player.