
		Graham, Parker, Gault, Murray, Robinson and
		The same to be dispatched on the evening of Saturday
		April 26th and to defer notifying Stevens, Uren,
		Davidson and Gourlay.

Scott		The Secretary reported the visit of himself and
		John Fare to Carlisle yesterday to see the match
		Carlisle v Newcastle United Reserve and that on
		the displays given neither Scott the outside left
		or Blake the goalkeeper was fit for engagement.
		Resolved that no action be taken.

Lewrin		Mr. Davies submitted the name of Jacob Lewrin
		a Swedish Amateur International right full
		back, age 23, height 5ft 9½ ins., weight 12 stone
		10 lbs and it was resolved to afford him a trial
		in August.

		The Secretary reported that in order to be in a
		position to advise the Board, if necessary, he had
		consulted the Secretary of the F. A. as to the
		position of the Directors in the event of Mr. John
		Sharp being nominated as a Director and the
		Secretary read Mr. Wall's reply. The Secretary's
		action was confirmed.