94 The Secretary's action in granting the use of our ground for the replayed Amateur Final Tie Orrell v St. Cleopas on Tuesday the 29th inst. was confirmed. Stalker Resolved that this full back be seen play again at Firhill Park tomorrow Saturday. Mr. Kirkwood reported the receipt of a letter from Mr. McArthur strongly recommending an inside right and he was instructed to have player seen play at Falkirk tomorrow and reported upon. Dr. Whitford gave notice that at the next meeting he would move that an offer of an engagement be made to Robert Balmer. Wareing Resolved that Wareing be granted a contract for next season between Southport and Liverpool. The Secretary reported that Wareing was doubtful for tomorrow and it was resolved that if Wareing was unable to play Fleetwood play centre half back Bradshaw centre forward and Gourlay inside left. The Secretary was instructed to offer Challinor an engagement for next season at 30/- per week up to July 31st and 50/- per week from that date to April 30th 1914 and to ascertain from Kirby his terms for an engagement. The Secretary was instructed to send letters intimating our inability to offer engagements to the following players:- Caldwell, Laurie, A. Browell,