84 The Secretary was instructed to pay Thomas Parkers expenses from Houghton be Spring to Seaton Burn 9/-. Stalker Jno. Fare reported that this Dunipace left Back is well worth our attention. Fulton The Secretary reported that this left back of Morton is worth securing. Palmer Messrs Clayton & Kirkwood reported that Palmer outside left Bristol Rovers is very good: the Secretary read letter from the Club asking £1000 net to them for his transfer. No action meantime. Thompson Messrs Coffey & Wade reported very favourably upon this right back of Leicester Fosse & unfavorably upon Currie left back. Harrison This player's abilities recorded only qualified approval from Messrs Coffey & Wade. The Secretary was instructed to defer asking Simms & Stevens to sign on meantime. The Secretary reported that Brannick asked for £3 per week deferred. The Secretary reported the following engagements Chedgzoy £2.5.0 & £2.15.0 Simpson £2.10.0 W. Whitford