83 Pugh F. E. Garner H. Lennon Chas. Robinson C. Tyrer Hy. Watts Wm. Lovelady A. (from League lists only). The sum of £110 the merit money in respect of the three rounds of the Cup ties was apportioned as follows :- Caldwell J. H. 10 3 games Stevenson Wm. 10 " Maconnachie J. S. 10 " Harris V. 10 " Wareing W. 10 " Beare Geo 10 " Jefferis F. 10 " Browell T. 10 " Grenyer A. 7 1 & 3 Davidson Wm. 5 1 & 2 Bradshaw F. 4 1st Houston Jno. 4 3rd Fleetwood T. 4 3rd Makepeace H. 3 1st Gourlay Jns. 3 2nd £110 New Players The Secretary was instructed to enquire particulars of:- Bail Middlesbro insideleft or Centre Mitchell Motherwell Goal Scott J. Newcastle U. Outside left Cunningham A. Kilmarnock Inside left or centre Thompson Leicester F. Right back Harrison do outside left King Partick T. Inside right