82 The Secretary reported that proceedings in the County Court had been instituted against us for the recovery of 16/5 for damages to window & mirror. Use of ground An application for the ground on the 29th inst. for a match Provisions v Stock was declined. The Secretary reported that the gross receipts at Anfield on the 16th inst. in the return Central League game were £43.13.6. Transfer of Joseph Pendlebury to Thos. Jno. Curwen Shares 1 fully paid share 2369 2 partly paid shares 960/1 Passed. Pinkney An application by E. Pinkney to be loaned to a Southern League Club was declined. Return and The players to be placed on the League Transfer and Central League retain and Lists Transfers lists were selected and are set out on the following pages. The names of the following players were ordered to be omitted from the lists:- Berry A. Mitchell T. Tyrer C. Goslyn J. A. Kirkbride D. Whelan T. Lloyd Llew. McLean R. Wynn Rd Myers Hy. McIntyre W. S. Berry C. H. Davies Wm. Mullins F. J. Didcott F. Doran C. Myers Thos. J. Adamson J. Parker W. B. Seddon Jno. Lightfoot J.