79 Brown of Jno. Fare reported his visit to Scotland Kilbirnie but could not recommend Brown. Ladeside He did however recommend Rutherford the outside left & he was instructed to see him play again & report further. Currie Messrs Coffey & Kirkwood reported their visit to Preston & that Currie Left back Burton Left half Osborne & Harrison Left wing of Leicester Fosse were very good Resolved Messrs Coffey & Wade go to Leicester on Saturday next & further report. Palmer Messrs Clayton & Kirkwood were deputed to see Palmer of Bristol Rovers play on Saty next & if satisfied to negotiate with Bristol Rovers for his transfer. Reports The League & Friendly games were reported. The Trainer made his report. Team v Bromilow L'pool Res. Page Simpson Challinor Kirby Gourlay Chedgzoy Brannick Fleetwood Gault Uren v Celtic Hodge Stevenson Simpson Harris Wareing Grenyer Beare Jefferis Gourlay Bradshaw Davidson Director to Scotland Dr. Whitford