
Turner		The Secretary reported his visit to Pontypridd
		and recommended that this player be seen
		again - Mr. Clayton was asked to get a report
		from his representative at Newport.

		The Secretary was instructed to speak to Bradshaw
		as to his selfishness on the field.

Bullens Road	Resolved that estimates for re-roofing the stand
Stand		and rebuilding Gwladys Street entry wall be
		obtained and that a meeting of the Grounds
		Committee be convened at an early date.

Currie		Messrs Coffey and Kirkwood were deputed to
		visit Preston and report on this Leicester Fosse
		full back.

		The Secretary reported that Gateman, Stockdale,
		was 19s/6d short in his gate on Saturday last. It
		was resolved that arrangements be made with him
		for the repayment of such deficit.

Use of		The use of the ground was granted for the following:-
Ground			April 17th	Liverpool Secondary School Old Boys
					Shield Competition.
			May 3rd		Liverpool Schools F.A.

		In view of the many applications for the use of our
		ground it was resolved that
                                             a Sub-committee be
		appointed to consider the question of granting the use of the
		ground to outside Clubs & Associations and that a conference be held with
		Liverpool F.C.

J. Collins	The Secretary reported that the F.A. had declined
		to register this player's transfer from Dominion F.C.
		to us as he did not appear to be registered with
		the F.A. by Dominion F.C.