70 Goal Two Full backs One Half back Two forwards. Next Meeting Thursday April 10th at 7. Transfers of Bertha Watmough to Alphousius Creedon Shares 3 part paid shares 206-208. Florence Green to Ernest Green 1 15/- share 1992. F. J. East to Wm. Nicholson 1 15/- share 1517. R. C. Lightfoot to Mary Barnett 3 15/- shares 187 to 189. R. C. Lightfoot to Fredk. G. Proger 3 15/- shares 709 to 711. A. Taylor, Jno. Taylor & Jno. Harper to Chas. Taylor 5 15/- shares 1052 to 1056. 1 full pd. do 2192 Passed. Nominations The Secretary reported the receipt of to Directorate Four nominations of Ernest Green for Election to the Board. The Secretary reported the receipt of claim for 15/5 by Jno. Harrison damage sustained by a football from the ground - followed by a Solicitors letter & he was instructed to disclaim liability. Challinor The Secretary was instructed to offer Witton