62 asking. Teams v Caldwell Derby County Stevenson Simpson & Woolwich Harris Wareing Grenyer Beare Jefferis Bradshaw Browell Davidson Stevens v Bury away Bromilow & Home Page Laurie Chedgzoy Browell Graham Smith Brannick Simms Gault Stevens v Egremont Bromilow Mch. 22 Page Laurie Patterson Browell Graham Chedgzoy Brannick Simms Johnson Wright Directors on gate 21st Mr. Kirkwood, 22 Mr. Kelly, 24 Mr. Davies. Didcot The following players were offered trials Didcot Right back v Bradford City R. March 29. Jones Maldwyn Jones Right Half v Bury March 24. Banks H. F. Banks C.forward in a Wedy League game. Donations A Donation of Ten pounds was granted to the Kilwinning FC in respect of our signing Wm. Hodge. The Secretary submitted complaint by Clapton Orient & Tottenham Hotspur re the proposed removal of Woolwich A. FC's ground but no action was taken. Fixtures The Secretary was instructed to arrange the