60 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, March 18 1913] Present All the Directors except Mr. Allman. Minutes The minutes of the last three meetings were read & confirmed. Edleston The deputation Messrs Coffey, Kirkwood & Whitford reported that Edleston was not good enough for us. Pontypridd The full backs & goalkeeper of Pontypridd were well reported. Cup tie The payment of £90.5.3 to the F. A. for percentage. £826.16.0 to Oldham for share & fares were sanctioned. The League match at Chelsea was reported The Central League match v Southport Central was also reported. Holbem The Conduct of Holbem in this game was reported & discussed as were his actions in the game & L'pool and his language during the game v Sheffield United & it was resolved that Holbem be given 14 days notice of determination of his agreement. The Trainers made their reports. The Secretary reported that the receipts of the two games here on Saturday last