52 Betting The Secretary read letter from Mr. Wall disclaiming any intention to implicate any director herein. The Secretary read A. Browell's statement to the F. A. Kings Visit The Secretary read letters from the Lord Mayor & Director of Education thanking us for the use of the ground on July 11. Jno. Fare was instructed to attend the Villa Brierley Hill Alliance Match on Saturday & report. Neill Barrow asking £300 for this player it was resolved to do nothing. Edelston The Secretary was instructed to ask St. Helens to allow Edleston to play a months trial for us on terms. Tullock This Scotswood right back was said by Jno. Fare to be very promising tho small age 21, 5 7½, 10½ stone no action. Bristol The Secretary reported the receipt of R. Cup tie £423.17.11 share of receipts 10.12. 8 fares. William Whitford