45 receipts of such match & our Central league match of that date to be equally divided after deducting gate expenses. A Deputation of the Directors was appointed to visit the replayed Cup tie at Old Trafford tomorrow & the Scotland v Wales match at Wrexham on Monday. Resolved that the following players be kept in view Hampson Norwich Mercer Notts. Forest Hanney Reading Hughes Wrexham Womack Birmingham Palmer Bristol R. Griffiths Shrewsbury Sullivan (C. F.) This centre forward of Metro Gas Co. was well spoken of & the Secretary instructed to have him reported upon. Use of ground Goodison Park March 5 Semifinal L'pool Wednesday Cup Everton A. v Sykes granted. Transfers of Emily B. Kelly to E. Kelly } Entd. Shares 1 15/- share 150 } do to M. F. Kelly } twice Elwood Wm. to A. R. Wade 9 15/- shares 797/805 Wade A. R. to Halloran Mc 1 15/- share 797