38 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, Monday 22nd May 1911] Present All the Directors. Annual The Chairman gave a brief outline of his Meeting intended report to the Shareholders. Davidson The Secretary reported that Middlesbro' placed £600 as the price of Davidson's transfer, and W. Bainbridge & he were deputed to go to Middlesbro' with full powers. Lancashire F. A. Mr. Kelly & the Secretary were deputed to represent the Club at the Annual Meeting of the Lancashire F. A. at Blackpool on Wednesday the 24th inst. F. A. & League Messrs Whitford, Clayton & Secretary were Meetings deputed to attend the Annual Meeting of the League F. A. and Fixtures meeting at London on the 29th & 30th instant. Proxies The Secretary submitted proxies received after the closing hour for the receipt thereof. William Whitford