31 for Young & an offer by Tottenham of £500 Blackpool in exchange for Hoad. The matter was left in the hands of the Secretary. Darwen Resolved we send a donation of Ten guineas to assist them out of their financial distress. L'pool F. C. The Secretary reported that Everton v L'pool Res. Recpts. 246.18.9 L'pool v Everton Res. do 56. 3.5 L'pool v Everton Cup do 127.13.4 & that on balance £52.16.7 was one from us to them Resolved same be pd. A/cs The payment of £40.0.7 re Bristol was confirmed. Reduction of Resolved that Rafferty be offered at T'sfer fees. £75. Rafferty The Secretary submitted applications for reduction of transfer fees by Borthwick, Couper & Mercer & he was instructed to decline to reduce these fees. Bank The Secretary was instructed to apply to Overdraft the Co's Bankers for a renewal of overdraft up to £10,000 for a further period of twelve months.