30 meeting the distribution of and counting of voting papers & that they be authorised to obtain the necessary assistance. The Annual meeting was fixed for May 22nd at the Exchange Station Hotel. The Secretary was instructed to send out proxy forms with the Balance Sheets at the Directors expense & not to give the draft voting paper to the printer until the day of the meeting. The drafts, notice of meeting, proxy voting paper and admission order were submitted and approved. Walter Scott Walter Scott appeared & was admonished by the Chairman & warned against a repetition of his offence. Engagement The re engagement of of players Wm. Stevenson 70/- and £4 E. Pinkney 50/- and £3 E. Magner 50/- and £3 were confirmed. Magner The Chairman reported that Magner had been successfully operated upon by Dr. McDougall & that he had agreed at the fee of Ten guineas being paid by the club confirmed. A. Young The Secretary reported several enquiries