[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison
Park May 9th 1911]
Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter.
Annual The Secretary presented the A/cs of the Co.
A/cs for the year ending April 30 1911 with
the Balance sheet and Mr. Herbert
Copy Bowler having explained same.
It was resolved
1 That the amounts due from Sundry Dr.'s. be
valued for the purposes of the Balance Sheet
at £470.0.0 on open a/cs it being
reported that this amount consisted of
£425 from Burnley F. C. and £45 estimated
to be due from Lancashire F. A.
2 That a depreciation of 10% be written off
ground stands, hoardings & erections amounting
to £1822.2.3 and off office fixtures and
implements amounting to £334.14.7
being at the rate of 20%.
3 That the statement of a/cs Balance Sheet
and Profit & Loss a/c be approved.
4 That the amount expended in connection
with clothing materials & stores be written
off against income & expenditure a/c.
5 That the Auditors of the Co. be instructed
to take control of admission to the annual