
[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park May 2

Present		All the Directors.

Minutes		The minutes of the last meeting were read
		& confirmed.

Bown		Resolved we do not negotiate for these
Wedlock		players.

		The match at Bristol was reported & that
		Fleetwood had played well at centre half.
		The interview with the Bristol directorate
		was reported & that their lowest price for
		Wedlock's transfer was £1750 whereupon
		it was decided to proceed no further.

Walter Scott	The misbehaviour of Walter Scott on the
		return journey from Bristol was reported
		& Scott attended & tendered an apology
		for same. Resolved that his conduct
		be considered at the next meeting.

Engagement	The following engagements were confirmed
of players	Wm. Scott		£4	R. Balmer £4
		J. D. Taylor		£2	Grenyer	50/- & £3
		Weller		50/- &	£3	Chedgzoy £2
		Meunier		50/- &	£3	Gault	 35/- & 50/-
		Allan		50/- &	£3

Players return	Resolved that the players be instructed
		to report themselves to the Secretary on