[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
April 25th 1911]
Present All the Directors.
Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read
& confirmed.
Team v Walter Scott
Bristol Balmer Maconnachie
Harris Young Makepeace
Beare Jefferis Gracie Gourlay Lacey
Reserve Weller & Fleetwood.
Director to Bristol - Dr. Whitford.
Walker Swindon wrote that they would not part
with Walker and that they thought
Bown Bown would not leave Swindon.
Wedlock The deputation reported that Bristol City
would do nothing re Wedlock meantime.
Northwich The Secretary's action in consenting to the
postponement of this game to Thursday
was confirmed.
Taylor J. D. Resolved that a re-engagement at £2
per week be offered to Jno. D. Taylor &
that he be promised a benefit of £250
next season subject to the consent of the