11 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park April 19th 1911] Present All the Directors except Messrs Bainbridge & Baxter. Minutes The minutes of last meeting & of the Finance Meeting were read & confirmed. Mountford & The Secretary reported the transfer of these Freeman players to Burnley F.C. at a fee of £850 payable as to one half forthwith and the balance secured by a Bill to be dated November 30th 1911. Confirmed. Walker The Secretary was instructed to keep in Wedlock touch with Swindon re Walker, to enquire Bown the price of Bown and Messrs Clayton, Wade & he were instructed to visit Manchester on Saturday with powers to engage Wedlock up to £1400. S. J. Hoad The Secretary read Blackpool's reply hereon and he was instructed to write S. J. Hoad enclosing copy thereof. Northwich & The Secretary was deputed to select Skelmersdale the teams for these matches on the 26th inst. Reports The League & Combination games were reported. The trainers made their reports. The Secretary was instructed to send