9 receipts & expenditure herein & same were approved and a cheque for £2351.14.8 the balance due F.A. was directed to be sent to Mr. R. E. Lythgoe the local representative. S. J. Hoad The Secretary reported the receipt from S. J. Hoad the Amateur outside right of Blackpool F.C. of a letter offering us his services & that he had replied to same and at the same time written the Blackpool club. After discussion it was resolved that we would willingly accept the services of Mr. Hoad if Blackpool would release him. The Secretary's action was confirmed. Aston Villa The Secretary reported the gate receipts at Birmingham on the 27th inst. to be £260.10.3. Northwich The Secretary was instructed to select a team to visit Northwich in aid of the local infirmary. And to allow the Cotton & Corn Salesmen the use of our ground for a match. William Whitford