8 Final tie Resolved that any director be at liberty to go to the Final at the Club's expense. Team v Wm. Scott Forest Balmer Maconnachie Harris Young Grenyer Beare Jefferis Gracie Gourlay Lacey v Stockport Wm. Scott County Thomson Meunier Allan Borthwick Wm. Davies Chedgzoy Pinkney Magner Gourlay Turner Transfers of Edwd. Parker to Thos. Barr Shares 3 15/- 274 to 276 do to Geo. Clarkson 3 15/- 1670 to 1672 do to Jas R. Beckett 1 15/- 273 1 fully pd. 2375 do to Walter Heap 2 15/- 1673/4 Louise Winkup to Walter Heap 1 15/- 329 Chas. Gowland & J. Blacoe to J. P. Blacoe 1 15/- 1177 & 2 15/- 964/965 C. Gowland to Wm. H. Green 1 15/- 1178 & 1 f.p. 2769 Passed Nomination R. E. Lythgoe. to Lanc. F.A. International The Secretary presented particulars of