
[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
		April 11 1911]

Present		All the Directors.

Minutes		The minutes of last meeting were read
		& confirmed.

Players for	The following additional players were
re-engagement	given to the Secretary to offer re-engagement
		Gourlay, Allan, Murray, Pinkney & W. Davis
		in all cases of re-engagement the terms
		to be those of last season.

Heaton		The deputation to Ormskirk reported
		this player unsuitable.

Mountford	A deputation from Burnley F. C. attended
Freeman		and negotiated for the transfer of H.
		Mountford & Freeman & eventually
		an offer of £300 for Mountford & £850 for
		the two was accepted & permission
		to approach given.

Reports		Messrs Clayton & Davies reported their
		visit to Garston but had no recommendation
		to make.
		The League Combination & friendly
		games were reported.

Wedlock		Resolved that Mr. Bainbridge & the Secy.
		go to Bristol & Swindon with full
Walker		powers.