300 salary of 50/- per week with a Bonus of £2 & a fee to Atherton of £75 down with a further £25 if an engagement for next season was entered into was confirmed. Jno. Page The engagement of Jno. Page at a salary of £4 55/- per week with a bonus of £3.10.0 and a fee to Rochdale of £150 (less £20 due from them to us) was confirmed. League The payment of £17 to the League Mutual Insurance Insurance Federation the premiums on 32 players and 2 trainers was passed. Painting The payment of £95 to Alcock & Backhouse of Goalstand for painting of roof & principals of Goal double decker was passed. A vote of Condolence was passed with T. Fleetwood on the death of his father. Johnston The Secretary reported his visit to Blyth & on his report he was instructed to offer Blyth F.C. £100 for his transfer & to engage Johnston on the best terms. A letter of thanks for the donation of £25 was read from Jno. Ferguson & read. A. Berry The Secretary read letter from A. Berry declining to play in the reserve team & he was instructed to reply that we would play him in the League team whenever