296 Moore The Secretary was instructed to give this Old Xaverian outside left a place in the Central League team on the 30th inst. Jones Messrs Whitford, Allman, Fare & the Secretary Thorpe reported that they witnessed the Lancashire Wilson Semifinal tie on Monday as their opinions Quinn re Jones were conflicting. Thorpe do Wilson do Quinn Well worth following it was resolved that an early opportunity of seeing these players be taken by those who had not previously seen them. A. Berry The Secretary was instructed to ascertain if A. Berry would play a few games in the Central League team in order to test his condition & form. Swedish The trainer reported that the majority of the Drill players were of opinion that Swedish Drill Wedy. was unnecessary. am. Lightfoot The Secretary reported the receipt of letter from Barrow Novocastrians that Lightfoot who played a trial for us on Saturday is on form L for that club. That Hancock who recommended him when asked denied that this was so & that he (the Secretary) had written the club in reply. Evans It was resolved that Evans (Goal) &