empowered to visit Blackpool with full
McCall The Secretary & Jno. Fare having reported
the conversation with several of Preston
North End Directors hereon the Blackpool
deputation were instructed with full
powers herein.
Reid The appointment of a deputation to Scotland
hereon was resounded & the Secretary
Smith instructed to write Airdrie re Reid
& to ask Swan to report on Smith &
Girdwood Girdwood of Hibs.
Brooks Messrs Whitford & Coffey were deputed to
Clay visit Leicester on Saturday & report on
Sparrow Clay (right back) and Sparrow (centre forward)
of Leicester & Brooks outside left (Leicester).
Walden Northampton F.C. having intimated that
they were prepared to transfer Walden &
that Leeds City had offered £1250 it
was decided not to make an offer.
Heap Jno. Fare reported his visit to Preston
Gosling N.E. v Northern Nomads & favorably
Cornthwaite reported on Heap (centre Half) and
Gosling (left half) of Nomads and
Cornthwaite (outside left) of Preston N.E.
the Secretary was instructed to obtain
their services for Saturday if possible.