282 Team v Caldwell Oldham A. Stevenson Holbem Harris or Grenyer Fleetwood Wareing Smith Gourlay Browell Bradshaw Beare Davidson. do Res. Hodge Simpson Bardsley McCulloch Scott Graham Chedgzoy Robinson Wright Robinson Uren Director on Gate Mr. Kelly to Oldham Dr. Whitford Gault This player was ordered to appear before the Directors to explain his absence from training. Murray An application by Patick Thistle for an exclusion of Murray's trial period to a further month was declined. Henderson Mr. Swan wrote very highly of this left back of East Stirlingshire and strongly recommended his engagement. Further action was deferred meanwhile. James & The Secretary was instructed to make Jackson enquiries hereon from Middlesbro. The further consideration of new players was deferred to Thursday. William Whitford