281 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park October 29 1912.] Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter & Mr. Davies. Minutes The minutes of last meeting & of the Finance Meeting were read & confirmed. Wareing The engagement of Wm. Wareing at a transfer fee of £900 to Preston North End & a salary of £4 per week & £10 Bonus was confirmed. Downs Messrs Allman, Clayton, Coffey & the Sec. were deputed to visit Barnsley with full power re Downs. Burton The Secretary reported the receipt of three months Bill for £50 from Reading. Reports The trainers made their reports. Dr. Baxter's & Dr. Broad's reports on the injured players were made. Page The Secretary reported that Rochdale asked £350 for Page their full back. No action. Barber That Bolton Wanderers required a very tempting offer for Barber.