278 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel October 24th 1912] Present All the Directors. Minutes The Minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed. Crossan The Secretary reported that Bradford invited our best offer. No action Lanc. Cup The Secretary read statement of receipts & expenses of our replayed Lanc. Cup tie and the payments of £37.15.7 to City F.C. their share and £8.8.0 to the Lanc. F.A. for percentage were sanctioned. Wareing &c. The Deputations to Preston reported that Wareing was the only player the North End Club would transfer and Messrs Allman, Kirkwood, Wade & the Secretary were deputed to negotiate for Wareing up to £750. Brooks The deputation to Chesterfield were not J. Fare impressed with this player who was unwell. in a fortnight Houston The Secretary reported that he had arranged with Linfield F. C. for the transfer of Houston on January 29 1913 at a fee of £500 and the reimbursement of wages paid by that club to Houston during season 1912-13. The agreements entered into with Houston & the Linfield club were read & confirmed.