274 full inquiries re McFadyen in call and Houldsworth and report. Reports The Friendly at Hull & the Central League game at Glossop were reported. The trainer made his report. Revil Jno. Fare reported his visit to Chesterfield to see Revill their right back. He stated that Revill was nearer 30 than 20 years of age & on his display he could not recommend him. Brooks He however strongly recommended Brooks their left half back & Messrs Davies D. Kirkwood & he were deputed to visit Chesterfield on Saturday next with full powers. Team v Caldwell Manchester Stevenson Holbem City Gourlay Fleetwood Grenyer Smith Gault Browell Bradshaw Uren An amendment to play Beare outside left by Messrs Allman & Wade was lost. The teams for Saturday were left over for selection after the Cup Tie. Drectors Sheffield Messrs Wade, Davies & Kelly " on Gate 11th Mr. Kelly