272 St. Helens Mr. Fare reported his visit to Barrow and that Town F.C. there was nothing in either team that, in his opinion, would be suitable for us. Team v Hodge Hull City Simpson Lourie McCulloch Browell Grenyer Smith Gourlay Browell Graham Uren v Bolton Caldwell Wanderers Stevenson Holbem Harris Fleetwood Grenyer Beare Gault Browell Bradshaw Davidson v Glossop Hodge Simposon Lourie McCulloch Browell Gourlay Smith Lovelady Lonnon Robinson Uren Director to Hull Mr. Allman. Director on Gate Mr. Kelly. Directors to Glossop Dr. Baxter and Mr. Coffey. Attention was drawn to the fact that the Rev. J. W. Marsh was appointed the Referee at our match v Manchester City at Hyde Road on Novr. 30th. The Secretary was instructed to request the League to alter such appointment. The Secretary was instructed to make inquiries about Smith inside forward of Stalybridge Celtic and McFadyen and Wareing of Preston North End. William Whitford