269 Team Caldwell v Stevenson Maconnachie Holbem Liverpool Harris Fleewood Makepeace Beare Jefferis Browell Bradshaw Davidson Reserve Gault & Uren. v Crewe Simpson Hodge Alexandra Holbem Laurie McCulloch Browell Gremper Tyrer Smith Gourlay Murray Robinson Uren v Manchester Caldewll City Stevenson Holbem Harris Fleetwood Makepeace Beare Gault Browell Bradshaw Uren v Deeside Half Wilde Holiday Byrne Smith Jenkins Johnson Garner Bowater Lovelady Walsh Parr Delaney Reserve :- Woolfall & Griffiths. Director to Manchester Dr Whitford. The Secretary reported an application by Lonnon, Bittern Guild, for a trial as centre forward and such application was granted. In response to an inquiry by Exeter City for an inside left the Secretary was instructed to offer them Graham at a transfer fee of £25 on condition that in case Graham was at any time transferred by Exeter City we should receive 50% of any fee over £25 obtained