256 [Meeting of Director held at Goodison Park September 3rd 1912] Present All the Directors except Mr. Davies. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Houldsworth Jno. Fare was deputed to see Preston v Clapton play on Saturday & report. Season Tickets Dr. Baxter proposed, Mr. Wade Seconded and it was Unanimously decided a. That it be an instruction to the Gatemen that double season tickets to shareholders admit a gent & lady. b. That is permissible to a shareholder to grant the use of his season ticket to another person but such ticket must not be sold. c. That any breach of this stipulation will entail the forfeiture of the season ticket. The League & Central League games were reported. Simpson The Engagement of Rob. H. Simpson at R. H. 50/- per week with a bonus of £6 was confirmed. Amateur The Secretary reported that as Civil Team service could not fix up a side our game with them tomorrow stands postponed.