255 Pratt The Secretary reported that Swansea had not signed Pratt & that Exeter City had reengaged him. Wednesday The Assistant Secretary was deputed League to represent the Club at this meeting. Transfer of J. E. Taylor to Jno. Jones Shares 3 15/- 567-569. R. Bickerstaff to H. Allman 6 15/- 1106 and 2008/12 H. Allman to J. T. Parker 3 15/- 1106 and 2008/9 H. Allman to Sydney B. Houghton 3 15/- 2010/2012 A. Waterworth to H. F. Allman 3 15/- 2149/51 Mary Jones to Jno. E. Jones 3 15/- 834/6 Passed. Winning Mr. Swan having favorably reported on this full back he was deputed to see him play again & report. Richmond He was also instructed to make enquiries re Richmond (Queens Park) and Waugh Waugh Hamilton Acs. William Whitford