252 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park August 27 1912] Present All the Directors except Mr. Coffey. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Fixtures The Nomads being unable to accept the dates offered it was resolved to send the Amateur team to play Egremont on a date to be arranged. Houldsworth The deputation reported that Preston North End asked £1500 that we had offered £1000 and that Preston held no hope that such offer would be accepted. The Chairman having ruled that it was competent for the Directors to decline to continue such offer, it was resolved that no arrangement for Houldsworth's transfer on any terms whatever be made without further discussion. Season The secretary reported that the public Tickets announcement as to the non-transfer- ableness of season tickets had aroused considerable stir with the public, the matter was discussed at great length as to whether or no the season tickets be transferable in future & the Secretary having read a letter written by him