250 2 15/- Shares 681/2 1 £1 " 2454 B. Kelly to C. Oddy 1 £1 Share 2277 Passed. W. J. Watmough The action of the Secretary in sending a 21/- Dec. wreath was approved. Complimentary Ground tickets Tickets One each to Programme Syndicate Hulton & Co. Daily News Pathe's Animated Gazette 1/- stand self Jno. McCall 2/- stand self Everton Players & staff 12 L'pool players 3/- stand self 9 L'pool Directors 2 Bank One each to Wm. Scattergood J. Mawdsley E. Roper J. McGill E. Morris (S. & Lady) Gt Westn. Ry. Ches Lines Empire Theatre Shakespeare T. Hippodrome Olympia Supt. Tomlinson Self & Lady T. Watson G. Bowler Jo. Shepherd E. Edwards Lord Mayor A. Lamothe