
		reduction of his transfer fee it was
		resolved to give him a free transfer.

Teams for			Caldwell
Practice		Stevenson	Maconnachie
Game		Harris		Fleetwood	Grenyer 
		Beare	Jefferis Browell Bradshaw Uren

			ANOR	&	Holbem
		McCulloch   Browell	   Gourlay
		Smith	Gault	Murray	Graham	Davidson

Houldsworth  	Mr. Kirkwood & the Secretary were deputed
		to visit Preston with full power to go to
		£1000 for Houldsworth.

Uren		The Secretary was instructed to speak
		to Uren as to his obligations.

		Mr. Coffey having raised the question of
		admission to a gentleman on a double
		ticket taken by a lady Shareholder
		the clauses in the Articles of Association
		were read.

		Resolved that season ticket holders
		to the 3/- stand be granted similar
		concessions at Benefit matches as 
		were granted to Shareholder ticket

Transfer of shares  F. R. H. Wahlers to R. Wright.