244 exchange for £100 in respect of Allan's transfer fee. Scott The Secretary reported that Leeds City had signed Scott and that they had applied to pay transfer fee by a six months bill. It was resolved that Leeds City be notified that we would accept a bill for three months. Mutual The Secretary reported that a levy of £20 had Insurance been imposed upon us to enable the Directors to Federation meet the financial responsibilities of the Federation and cheque for that amount was ordered to be sent to Mr. Charnley. Weston's action in ordering a pair of boots at £1:6:0 was confirmed, the Secretary to inform him that his action must not be repeated. Transfer of Agnes Pridgeon to Edwards Hawkes shares 3 (15/-) shares 1007 to 1009 Thomas Wright to John C. Wright 3 (15/-) shares 663 to 665 William Baker to William J. Williams 3 (15/-) shares 1627 to 1629 Emp:Lia:Premm. The Secretary was instructed to pay £1:15:0 the premium on the insurance of four casual employees. The application of C. W. Bullock for the Agency for the sale of tickets was declined. Next meeting to be held on August 13th. William Whitford