[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel on
Friday July 26th 1912]
Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter.
Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed.
Amateur It was unanimously resolved that an Amateur team
Team to play in the Wednesday League should be formed
and the Assistant Secretary was instructed to make
an application to Mr. W. T. Maloney, the Secretary
of the Wednesday League, to be admitted to such
League. It was also resolved that Dr. Whitford
should attend the meeting of the Wednesday League
in support of our application and the Assistant
Secretary was instructed to ascertain the day, hour
and place of meeting.
Houldsworth Mr. Kelly made his report on the visit of himself
and Mr. Kirkwood to Preston with regard to securing
the transfer of this player but as the fee placed upon
him by Preston North End F.C. was too high no
business resulted.
Bury F.C. having written asking whether we had
a full back to spare, the Assistant Secretary was
instructed to write them and ascertain whether they
were prepared to enter into negotiations for an exchange
of our full back Robert Balmer for their inside forward
Walter Smith.
Houston Mr. T. Charnley having forwarded to us a letter addressed
to him by Houston applying to have the League form which